To accommodate the company’s explosive growth, the Jacksonville office of Andromeda Systems Incorporated (ASI) has moved operations to the top floor of Plaza III at Wells Lake in Orange Park, Florida. The new, 10,000 square-foot facility includes a high-tech training and conference center, multiple meeting spaces and additional offices for future expansion.

Company growth is evidenced in a growing employee base and skyrocketing revenues. With only four employees in 2006 operating in 3,000 square-feet, the ASI team has grown to over 40 engineering, maintenance, logistics and information technology professionals and support personnel. According to company officials, this year’s annual revenues are expected to top last years by over 320%.

As a primary service provider to the U.S. Department of Defense and certified as a service-disabled-veteran-owned small business, ASI has been awarded multiple technology development contracts since 2006.  Most recently, the company was awarded a sole-source SDVOSB contract to provide software development services to NAVIAR (Naval Air Systems Command) for its Event-Based Maintenance program.

With an eye toward innovation, ASI is seeking to apply its military solutions to the private sector. In cooperation with its industry partners, ASI is leading the integration phase to commercialize technology previously developed for the military.

ASI’s Jacksonville offices, located at 330 Crossing Boulevard, is centrally located off Wells Road, within minutes of Naval Air Station Jacksonville.

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